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Aug 09 2013

National Urban League Responds to FCC Ruling on Prison Phones

National Urban League President & CEO Marc H. Morial today issued the following statement in response to the FCC order on Interstate Inmate Calling Service Rates. “Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn and the FCC are to be commended for voting today to bring balance to the needs of inmate families—... Read
Aug 06 2013

Letter to the Department of Justice Regarding the Trayvon Martin Case

The Urban League joined other leading civil rights and social justice organizations in calling on Attory General Eric Holder to pursue a civil rights investigation against George Zimmerman.
Jul 30 2013

Statement from Marc H. Morial on White House Meeting on the Voting Rights Act

Statement from Marc H. Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League, re: Today's White House Meeting on the Voting Rights Act: Earlier today, President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Labor Secretary Tom Perez, and White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett held a meeting with... Read


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Welcome to the National Urban League Washington Bureau!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chanelle P. Hardy, Esq.
Senior Vice President and Executive Director
National Urban League Washington Bureau

I am thrilled to welcome you to the Washington Bureau of the National Urban League. For more than 50 years, our office has served as the policy, advocacy and research arm of the National Urban League, representing our President Marc Morial and the 95 affiliates of the National Urban League on Capitol Hill and before Federal Agencies. 

The National Urban League said in a statement to the U.S. Senate that Stand Your Ground laws perpetuate an unequal system of justice with lethal consequences and called for their immediate repeal.

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March 11, 2025
August 23 2013
National Urban League and Memorial Foundation Jointly Hosted"Drum Majors for Justice Celebration" on Friday, August 23rd, 2013
July 24 2013
Redeem the Dream at the 2013 National Urban League Conference! The Urban League of Philadelphia will be hosting this year's conference from July 24-27th at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.