Urban League leadership, local elected officials and representatives from the Obama Administration were among those who attended a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new headquarters of the Urban League’s Washington Bureau. The event also made official the name change from the “Policy Institute” to the “Washington Bureau.”
The Washington Bureau is now located at Progression Place in the new headquarters building for the United Negro College Fund. Progression Place is in DC’s historic Shaw district, which is home to the Howard Theatre and a stone’s throw from Howard University.
Chanelle Hardy, executive director of the Washington Bureau opened the program and noted how fitting the new location is. “Every day when I walk from my car, I see why the Urban League Movement is so important. I see the people we serve every day,” Hardy said.
Marc Morial echoed Hardy’s remarks and underscored why it was important for the Urban League to return to the community. “Some groups choose to be on K Street or Connecticut Avenue and I say ‘Good for them.’ We felt it was important for us to not forget what we are and whom we serve,” Morial said. “We are here with the people.”
In her remarks, Rep. Eleanor Holmes-Norton, the District’s non-voting representative in the House, praised the Urban League for its commitment to economic empowerment and for contributing to the on-going revitalization of the Shaw area. Maurice Jenkins, Executive Vice President of UNCF, also offered a neighborly welcome to the Washington Bureau, and highlighted the shared commitment to educational excellence and promoting college attainment. He added that the new shared headquarters would lead to opportunities for the Urban League and UNCF to partner on strategic initiatives in the future.
Greater Washington Urban League president Maudine Cooper, Greater Phoenix Urban League president and CEO George Dean, Urban League Young Professionals president Brandi Richard and Urban League SVP Michael Miller were among the Urban League contingent who also attended the ribbon cutting.