Last week marked “National Telephone Discount Lifeline Awareness Week,” which was designed to raise awareness of the Lifeline program. Lifeline provides a subsidy on phone services for low-income families in an effort to provide all Americans with the benefits of a phone, including access to emergency service, the ability to connect with jobs and families.
Speaking at the New America Foundation’s Lifeline event, NUL Washington Bureau Executive Director and SVP for Policy, Chanelle Hardy, explained how Lifeline empowers communities, from connecting job seekers to employment opportunities to enabling teachers to maintian contact with parents. Ms. Hardy went on to say, “[Lifeline] is a key part of the agenda in terms of arming people with the tools to better themselves.”
Additionally, the National Urban League along with over 80 civil rights, public interest, and religious organizations, sent letters to the House and Senate Commerce Committees stressing the importance of supporting and preserving the program.For more information on the Lifeline program, please click here.
To send an electric postcard to Congress supporting the Lifeline Program, please click here.