National Urban League President & CEO Marc H. Morial today issued the following statement in response to the FCC order on Interstate Inmate Calling Service Rates.
“Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn and the FCC are to be commended for voting today to bring balance to the needs of inmate families—especially the 2.7 million children in the U.S. with an incarcerated parent—with service providers by setting reasonable telephone rates that will remove the financial burden from families trying to support their incarcerated loved ones.
“Through the ex-offender programs offered by a number of Urban League affiliates, we know that a successful re-entry into society begins before an inmate is released, and is aided by their ability to remain connected to their families on the outside.
“After almost a decade, the order on Interstate Inmate Calling Service Rates affirms that, with advances in technology, there is no good reason for low income families to be forced to choose between the essentials of daily life and staying in touch.”