Suzanne M. Bergeron, MSW, is a long-time member of the Urban League’s Washington office, having joined the team in 1985. She brings a wealth of real-world experience in social services and addressing the needs of the most vulnerable in urban communities.
As Senior Legislative Director of Workforce, Civil Rights and Social Services, Ms. Bergeron is responsible for promoting the Urban League’s policy and legislative agenda pertaining to the workforce, civil rights and social services. Key issues include reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act, the enactment of the Urban Jobs Act (S.655/H.R.1340), restoring the Voting Rights Act and voter suppression, and securing the wellbeing of children and families involved in the child welfare system.
Before coming to the NUL, Ms. Bergeron served eight years as a front-line social worker in public assistance, child protective services, and crisis intervention in the Massachusetts Department of Social Services in Boston. While there, she also served as Interim Supervisor in the Intake Unit for services in one of Boston’s largest offices, and introduced outreach and interface functions with community agencies within the local service area. She also testified before the Massachusetts state legislature.
Ms. Bergeron received a BA in Child Psychology from Stonehill College in Massachusetts and a Masters in Social Work Management (MSW) degree from Howard University.